Integrating Google Pay and/or Apple Pay into your ecommerce website

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Integrating Google Pay and/or Apple Pay into your ecommerce website

9 January 2023

Integrating Google Pay and/or Apple Pay into your ecommerce website

Integrating Google Pay and Apple Pay into an ecommerce website can provide a number of benefits for businesses looking to increase sales. These payment methods offer a convenient and secure option for customers, which can encourage more sales and reduce cart abandonment.

In addition to providing a convenient payment option for customers, integrating Google Pay and Apple Pay can also help to increase conversion rates and reduce cart abandonment on an ecommerce website. Customers are more likely to complete a purchase if the checkout process is smooth and streamlined, and these payment methods offer a hassle-free experience that can encourage more sales.

Another advantage of using Google Pay and Apple Pay is the added security that they provide. Both platforms use tokenisation, which replaces sensitive payment information with a unique code, to protect against fraud and data breaches. This can give customers peace of mind and make them more likely to trust your website with their payment information.

To get started with integrating these payment methods, you will need to sign up for a Google Pay or Apple Pay developer account and follow the guidelines provided by each platform. You will also need to ensure that your website is PCI compliant, which means that it meets certain security standards for accepting, storing, and processing credit card payments.

If that sounds complicated don't worry, it's not for us - we can help do all this for you on your nopCommerce or custom ecommerce website :-)

Once we have set up your developer account and made and created a payment plugin for Google Pay and Apple Pay, you can start taking payments via these platforms. The process for doing this involves us integrating the appropriate APIs or libraries to your website and creating a payment button that customers can use to initiate a payment. We carefully test the integration thoroughly before going live to ensure that everything is working as expected.

Both Google and Apple charge fees for the use of their payment services. In New Zealand, the fees for using Google Pay are typically 2.9% + $0.30 NZD per transaction and the fees for using Apple Pay are 2.9% + $0.30 NZD per transaction for debit cards and credit cards. It is important to consider these fees when deciding whether to integrate Google Pay and Apple Pay into your ecommerce website and to factor them into your pricing strategy.

Overall, the fees for using Google Pay and Apple Pay are similar to those of other payment processors and are generally considered to be competitive. The convenience and security that these payment methods offer can more than offset the fees for many businesses, particularly those that are looking to increase conversion rates and reduce cart abandonment.

Contact us if you would like to discuss adding these payment methods to your ecommerce website.