Multilingual|bilingual websites CMS language translated website NZ Auckland

Attract and market to people in their native language

Have your website professionally translated, and serve up your content in the language selected by your visitors.

Have you ever used Google Translate to do automatic translation of a foreign website into English? Although this is sometimes better than nothing, machine translation does a poor job of translating into natural language, the results being a very poor grammatical version of the original content, with incorrect context. Here's an example of a German news site translated using Google Translate.

The only way to attract and market to people in a foreign language is to have your website professionally translated, and serve up your content in the native language selected by your visitors.

We have built many multilingual websites, and also provide (via our partner network) the professional translation services required to build "proper" multilingual websites (as opposed to simple and free 'Google Translate' options which we can also add to websites).

View this demo to see how our multi-lingual module works from both a user and an administrator/translators perspective.


Contact us to arrange a no-obligation free consultation

Multilingual websites

